There are different types of tattoo removal devices on the market, but not all lasers are created equal. Nanosecond lasers, which deliver pulses of light in nanoseconds, have been used for years. Picoseconds, on the other hand, are trillionths of a second. Studies show a picosecond laser removes tattoos faster and more completely than the existing nanosecond laser technology, resulting in upwards of 30% more ink clearance. How many treatments a patient will need depends on their tattoo size, tattoo colors, skin types, and other key factors. Several sessions may be necessary to effectively remove larger tattoos. Generally, treatments are spaced out with 4 to 6 weeks in between.
The SkinPulse is a must-have for any modern tattoo removal clinic or aesthetic practice. Provide safe, effective, fast tattoo removal with the PicoLazer aesthetic laser device and ensure what matters most for your patients: minimal downtime and high satisfaction rates.